Title: Public engagement, dissemination and exploitation of results

Start Month: M1

End Month: M48

Lead Beneficiary: UMIL


  • To share the project’s results beyond all the partners involved in the network. Addressees will include in particular, in addition to the academic community, the various categories of legal practitioners.
  • To plan and ensure adequate use and exploitation of project results, including IPR.

Description of work and Role of Specific Beneficiaries/Partner Organisations:

  • Planning of the dissemination and public engagement activities. Preparation of overall strategy such activities, which will include a publication plan.
  • Setting up and maintenance of the project website. Between M1 and M4, a project website will be developed in English which will be fully operational from M4. It will be the main tool for the communication of project achievements inside and outside the network.
  • Public engagement activities. It will be ensured that project will be adequately promoted through the involvement of adequate media experts and different means such as: drawing up of project logo and promotional materials, Issuing of press releases, TV and radio broadcast, participation in Researchers’ night, use of social media.
  • Coordination and organization of dissemination events by
    single network partners  and of the participation of recruited researchers in external conferences on the occasion of the kick-off meeting a provisional plan of participation in external events will be drafted and then updated regularly for the SB meetings.
  • Exploitation of results: The specific objective of this task is to develop, maintain and execute an exploitationand usage plan, which aims at a maximal exploitation of results. The first step to ensure adequate exploitation will be the drafting of strategy plans for the exploitation of project results to describe all steps deemed necessary to ensure an economically efficient exploitation of results in accordance to the principle guiding the IPR management set forth in the Consortium Agreement.