Title: Project management and quality control

Start Month: M1

End Month: M48

Lead Beneficiary: POLIMI


To ensure that the project’s research, training and dissemination objectives are effectively achieved, with efficient use of available resources (staff, time and funds), in line with communication and decision-making procedures agreed among all network participants, and in full respect of the H2020 financial and reporting rules.

Description of work and Role of Specific Beneficiaries/Partner Organisations:

  • Organization of the kick-off meeting and appointment of members to form the project management boards.
  • Preparation of a manual on Project Management and Quality Control. The manual will describe the internal monitoring system and will contain a session of Risk management.
  • Organization of Networkwide events for the research, training and dissemination/publication components, mid-term assessment of project progress and concluding project conference.
  • Compilation of joint periodic management reports and integrated cost statements.