Title: Training and Transfer of Knowledge
Start Month: M2
End Month: M48
Lead Beneficiary: LU
To train the appointed ESRs. Based on agreed common training standards and didactical approaches, a variety of training activities both at network and local level will be organized, closely related to the network partners’ research activities and in response to real training needs of the European academic and legal professional community. Training programs will contain a good mix of theoretical study and practical work and will be in line with individual career plans agreed between recruited researchers and their hosting institutions.
Description of work and Role of Specific Beneficiaries/Partner Organisations:
- Preparation, in close cooperation between academic and non-academic partners, of common training standards, a shared didactical approach and a joint recruitment plan for all network partners. This agreed training approach will be discussed and approved by the Supervisory Board after the project kick-off meeting.
- Recruitment by partners of ESRs and definition of their Career Development Plans and detailed training programmes.
- Secondments periods performed on the basis of the PCDPs.
- Specific Targeted Workshops and local research group meetings organized, which will represent the occasion for ESRs to present their progress with the individual research projects.
- Drafting of Evaluation Questionnaires and subsequent monitoring of training activities within the Network.
- Network Summer-schools.
- Final network conference organization and drafting of proceedings. This WP will supervise the execution of the training programme and the training activities as in Section 3.